Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kidney Stone Fun!!

I had a pretty interesting month of July. It all started one day at the end of June. I was at work in the morning, and I just started feeling wierd and sweating profusely, and had a stomach cramp. So of course I told the boss I was heading home because I didn't feel well. Well I got on the interstate and suddenly I had a stabbing, throbbing, pain in my side that was so intense I couldn't beleive it. It was all I could do not to double over, or blank out. Luckily I was able to get myself off the road and exit to a parking lot. I called Terry to come and get me and take me to the emergency room, which he did. I knew exactly what is was: the dreaded kidney stone!!! Thankfully it wasn't too far to the hospital. The worst part is that they have all these procedures to check you into the ER. So I'm sitting in a chair wrything in massive pain, and the poor nurse is trying to get me to stay still to take vitals. Of course when she asked me from 1 to 10 what was my pain level, I scream out 11 !!!! Well all was well after 2 shots of Morphine, and a cat scan (I even apologized to the nurse for cussing in front of her from the crazy pain). Seems I was trying to deliver a 6 milimeter bouncing baby kidney stone. That size is right on the top end of the threshold of being able to pass it on your own. They decided to send me home with painkillers and that it would pass on it's own. Well so I thought that would be that and I was done with it all. WRONG!!!

3 visits to the Urologist over the next 4 weeks resulted in the same thing, a stuck kidney stone. On the last visit this Thursday the doctor just looks at me and pretty much said "look this thing isn't going anywhere, you need surgery and that is just how it is." So I sucked it up and said "let's do it", and the stars all lined up and he was able to fit in the surgery the next day at 7:30am. Needless to say I scrambled to get time off work, get testing done, and get ready for the big day.

There is a reason I went a month before deciding to do surgery. The procedure is called "laser lithotripsy." It involves a big scope, and laser inserted "you know where" up the urinary tract through the bladder and up the ureter tube toward the kidney. Then they fire up the laser and blast away the stone. Then they get all the pieces out, and insert a tube from the kidney to the bladder, and you have that in for a couple days while the ureter tube heals up from the trauma of the stone and laser. Thankfully the procedure is done under full anasthesia. Of course any man would be VERY leery of any surgery happening down in that area. Man I was nervous. Well so I was off to surgery!!!

Here I am the morning of the surgery, pointing to the pain area!! (wasn't Terry nice to drag the camera out!!!)

And here I am after that lovely procedure all zoned out on heavy drugs!!

Well everything went fine, and the stone is gone. I am still very sore down there, and it's uncomfortable feeling that stupid tube still stuck there. Thankfully I get that removed tomorrow (not sure how fun that will be as I'll be awake for that one.) I will be so glad when this all is done. I just wanna feel normal and not have a constant pain in my side. I think I'll be there in a couple days, and I can' wait!! I'm sure Terry is ready to stop playing "nurse" too!! So there you have my fabulous month! Let's hope August goes better!!


0701reeder said...

Hey Brian, glad you on the getting better side. Tell Terry thanks for the photos, love the designer gown. Get well quickly. Love you, Mom

sugarcoatedcyanide said...

I cannot believe you let Terry take a picture! People in my family come unglued at tourist attractions. I can't even imagine at a hospital! Hope you are well, I'll call.

Alyson said...

Owwwww! Good luck with the healing man! Jon has dealt with the dreaded stones for years now! One time it got so bad he was puking so hard the blood vessels around his eyes burst and he looked like he had been in a fight and got punched in both eyes! (Glad this didn't happen to you! :D)

MrB in BigD said...

WOW I didn't know Jon has those too. Sounds like he knows all about the fun. Ya I did the crazy puke thing in the ER, and scared the nurse a little bit. Darn I didn't get so bad I burst blood vessels!! I'm doing good now though!!

Lisa said...

Sounds like a tough time. I won't lie, I'm glad its you and not me! Thanks for the card very funny and fitting. Hope you are feeling well now.
Love Lisa

Lynners said...

That stinks. Here's hoping the rest of your summer goes much better!
Love you! -cousin Lyn