Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring has sprung in Dallas


I am just out enjoying our spring weather here, and having the first Margherita of the season on the patio.

Me and Terry coolin' off with Margheritas.

It already hit the mid 80's here, and it's been so beautiful. The tulips are out, and the trees are in bloom. Well I officially knew it was spring here when we went to Home Depot and Lowes and it was an absolute madhouse of people in the garden center. Nothing like a bunch of adults fighting over shopping carts, mulch, and petunias. But hey, we came out victorious with 10 bags of dirt, some zinnias, and a fabulous smelling Gardenia bush. Of course I had to get some geraniums too. Geraniums always make me smile as I remember in my youth Grandma Gibbs beating us with geraniums that we'd managed to break off playing soccer in her front yard. Good memories, and I'm sure we deseved it. Now what to plant next......

It was also nice to spend a fun evening on the porch with our dear friend Dixie, who came through town this week. She is so much fun, and keeps you laughing for hours. Nobody can tell a story like Dixie can.
Terry and Dixie.


sugarcoatedcyanide said...

wahhhh. Tulips already? The snow is just melting off our beds and the tulips are just barely poking up. It will be June before we see blooms. Take a sniff of gardenia for me! I'm ready for flowers!!

Alyson said...

I'm so very jealous of the pool in your backyard. Thanks for spreading a smile on my face with the 'flower-beating' flashback. I don't think grandma will ever live that one down. She is getting so funny. I wish you could see her and grandpa at family meeting. I can't even explain it. They might be getting a little kooky but it's just as fun as ever! Miss you guys!